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- Written by: Stanko Milosev
- Category: Lazarus
- Hits: 5154
If you are using web service toolkit, and you are getting exception like:
Invalid parameter: "ATransportData"
Then you probably forgot to add line:
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- Written by: Stanko Milosev
- Category: Lazarus
- Hits: 5125
Project -> Options -> Compiler Options -> Linking -> Use Heaptrc Unit
(check for mem-leaks) (-gh)
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- Written by: Stanko Milosev
- Category: Lazarus
- Hits: 6112
Full translation of article from here
function TShelRAS.RasDialEx(_ConnectionName, _ConnectionUser, _ConnectionPass: string): boolean; var nRet: DWORD; TempEntryName: RASENTRYNAME; EntryBufferSize: DWord; EntryWritten: DWord; StrErr: string; RasEntryNameArray: array of RASENTRYNAME; GPRSEntry: integer; VRasEntry: RASENTRY; dwEntrySize: DWord; Buffer: array[0..4098] of char; dwBufferSize: DWord; iEntry: integer; RASDialParameters: RASDIALPARAMS; bPassword: BOOL; RasRc: DWord; begin try TempEntryName.dwSize := sizeof(RASENTRYNAME); EntryBufferSize := sizeof(TempEntryName); EntryWritten := 0; // LogIt(-1, Format ('RasEnumEntries %d', [EntryBufferSize])); nRet := RasEnumEntries(nil, nil, @TempEntryName, @EntryBufferSize, @EntryWritten); if (nRet <> ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) then begin StrErr := Format('RasEnumEntries failed: Error %d', [nRet]); LogIt(nRet, StrErr); Result := False; exit; end; SetLength(RasEntryNameArray, EntryBufferSize); // DEBUG try RasEntryNameArray[0].dwSize := sizeof(RASENTRYNAME); // LogIt(-1, Format ('RasEnumEntries, EntryWritten:%d', [EntryWritten] )); nRet := RasEnumEntries(nil, nil, @RasEntryNameArray[0], @EntryBufferSize, @EntryWritten); if (nRet <> 0) then begin StrErr := Format('RasEnumEntries failed: Error %d', [nRet]); if assigned(RepErrFunc) then begin RepErrFunc(nRet, StrErr); end; Result := False; exit; end; GPRSEntry := -1; fillchar(VRasEntry, sizeof(RasEntry), #0); VRasEntry.dwSize := sizeof(RasEntry); dwEntrySize := sizeof(RasEntry); memset(@Buffer, #0, sizeof(Buffer)); dwBufferSize := sizeof(Buffer); for ientry := 0 to EntryWritten-1 do begin LogIt(0, 'RasName:' + RasEntryNameArray[iEntry].szEntryName); // Check if the name has GPRS in it // AND // if Local Phone Number contains "~GPRS!" // LogIt(-1, 'RasGetEntryProperties'); nRet := RasGetEntryProperties(nil, RasEntryNameArray[iEntry].szEntryName, @VRasEntry, @dwEntrySize, nil, nil); if (nRet <> 0) then begin StrErr := Format('RasGetEntryProperties failed: Error %d', [nRet]); if assigned(RepErrFunc) then begin RepErrFunc(nRet, StrErr); end; Result := False; exit; end; LogIt(0, 'Phone..:' + VRasEntry.szLocalPhoneNumber); if (wcsstr(VRasEntry.szLocalPhoneNumber, '111') <> nil) then begin // search for dialnr - our way og checking if connection is ras // Found -> RAS entry is GPRS GPRSEntry := iEntry; break; end; end; if GPRSEntry <> -1 then begin Logit(0, 'Connect to:' + RasEntryNameArray[GPRSEntry].szEntryName); // LogIt(-1, 'RasGetEntryProperties'); nRet := RasGetEntryProperties(nil, RasEntryNameArray[GPRSEntry].szEntryName, @VRasEntry, @dwEntrySize, @Buffer, @dwBufferSize); if (nRet <> 0) then begin StrErr := Format('RasGetEntryProperties failed: Error %d', [nRet]); if assigned(RepErrFunc) then begin RepErrFunc(nRet, StrErr); end; Result := False; exit; end; // Configure the RASDIALPARAMS structure fillchar(RASDialParameters, sizeof(RASDIALPARAMS), #0); RASDialParameters.szPhoneNumber[0] := #0; RASDialParameters.szCallbackNumber[0] := #0; RASDialParameters.dwSize := sizeof(RASDIALPARAMS); RASDialParameters.szEntryName := RasEntryNameArray[GPRSEntry].szEntryName; RASDialParameters.szUserName := 'username' + #0; RASDialParameters.szPassword := 'password' + #0; RASDialParameters.szDomain[0] := #0; // LogIt(-1, 'RasGetEntryDialParams'); nRet := RasGetEntryDialParams(nil, @RASDialParameters, @bPassword); if (nRet <> 0) then begin StrErr := Format('RasGetEntryDialParams failed: Error %d', [nRet]); if assigned(RepErrFunc) then begin RepErrFunc(nRet, StrErr); end; Result := False; exit; end; Logit(0, 'DIAL start (be patient)..'); RasRc := RasDial(nil, nil, @RASDialParameters, 0, nil, @VRASConnection); Logit(RasRc, Format('DIAL done, rc: %d', [RasRc])); if (RasRc <> 0) then begin StrErr := Format('Could not connect using RAS', []); LogIt(RasRc, StrErr); VRASConnection := 0; Result := False; exit; end; Result := True; end else begin Logit(ERROR_PORT_NOT_FOUND, 'Error: No GPRS connection found!'); Result := False; end; finally SetLength(RasEntryNameArray, 0); end; except on E: exception do begin Logit ( -1, 'ERROR:' + E.Message ); end; end; // Try to establish RAS connection. end;
My problem was with:
nRet := RasEnumEntries(nil, nil, @RasEntryNameArray[0], @EntryBufferSize, @EntryWritten);
since first call
nRet := RasEnumEntries(nil, nil, @TempEntryName, @EntryBufferSize, @EntryWritten);
Initialize variables, and second call actually enumerates RAS entries, asnd I didn't know that parameter should be called with @RasEntryNameArray[0]