First download git for Windows. There are lot of git installations, I downloaded this one. After I created two folders, like First and Second, then I opened First folder in command prompt, like I described it here. Then in command prompt I executed command:
git init
After execution of that command I received message like:
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/gitTest/First/.git/
In notepad I wrote one text file, which had only one line "first", and I name it first.txt. Now I wrote:
git add .
Dot on the end means to everything what is in that folder, and after I wrote:
git commit -m "test"
Now we can go to second folder, and open command prompt from there, and write:
git clone c:\gitTest\First
Now you will see in your folder "Second" there will be folder First, with first.txt file. Now lets open file:
and write, for example, second, save and close the file in command prompt go to folder for example:
and write:
git add "first.txt"
after that:
git commit -m "test2"
Now lets go to first folder, and pull changes, that means in folder C:\gitTest\First in command prompt write:
git pull C:\gitTest\Second\First
Open file C:\gitTest\First\first.txt and see the magic.