Here and here I already explained some ways of introducing methods in javascript, and now i will show one more way.
Let's say we have JS like:
(function (ns) { function myCreator () { var self=this; function privateMethod() { alert("Hi I am private method and I can be executed only within myCreator class (I will never be called)"); } self.publicMethod = function () { document.getElementById("publicMethodCall").innerHTML = "Hi, I am called from publicMethod"; } } ns.myCreator = myCreator; }(window.privateAndPublic))
Then, we introduce JS like:
(function (ns) { function myCreatorReturn() { var self = this; self.myCreator = new window.privateAndPublic.myCreator(); return { myCreator: self.myCreator } } ns.myCreatorReturn = myCreatorReturn; }(window.myReturn))
Here notice line:
self.myCreator = new window.privateAndPublic.myCreator();
Now we can call method "publicMethod" like:
window.onload = function() { mCR = new window.myReturn.myCreatorReturn(); mCR.myCreator.publicMethod(); }
Notice line:
Example download from here.