Mocks are "fake" objects, that means that with mock you can create object which will have fake values.
For example, lets declare one interface without implentation, something like:

public interface ICalculator
	int Summation(int a, int b);

Now, our test method will look like something like this:

public void SetupMoqExampleTestMethod()
	var mock = new Mock<ICalculator>();
	mock.Setup(m => m.Summation(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(10);
	Assert.AreEqual(mock.Object.Summation(1, 1), 10);

Notice the line:

mock.Setup(m => m.Summation(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(10);

With that line we said that which ever parameter we send to the "Summation" method, result will be always 10.
That is why our test will not fail.

Example you can download from here.